Invite interaction with customised callouts

Invite interaction with customised callouts

A callout appears before your bot has been opened on your web page, as an invitation to interact. In this post we outline some of the interactions you can introduce via chatbot callouts.

What is a callout?

A callout appears before your bot has been opened on your web page, as a greeting, welcome and invitation to interact.

What can you do with callouts on your chatbot?

Think of a callout as a signpost to your chatbot. It draws attention to your bot and suggests an action for visitors to your site.

This can be as simple as "Ask me", "Chat now" or "Need help?"

Chatbot callout examples

In FAQ Bot, callouts are now part of our powerful engagements module, which means there are lots more options to use them in creative and engaging ways. Here are some possible scenarios:

Highlight new content with a link and call to action in your callout

Published a new blog post or news article and want to let your audience know? Include a link to that content, directly in your callout, to draw attention to it while it's new.

Promote a special offer

Running a promotion? Highlight your offer directly within your callout. You can even include a picture or gif in your callout.

Using callouts to highlight promotion

Set and forget scheduled and/or limited time messages and promotions

If your offer runs on a regular day, set up a schedule for your callout using FAQ Bot's scheduling feature, and be confident that the right messages are showing up for your visitors at the right time.

promotional chatbot callout

Provide a targeted welcome on a specific landing page

If a prospect has searched for chatbot pricing, and landed on your pricing page, you can provide a welcome, via callout, specific to that page.

This additional context makes your chatbot more helpful, and encourages interaction - it shows it's likely to be able to answer the question your prospect is interested in.

Chatbot callout prompt example

Use callouts to let visitors know when live chat is available

If your team is available to respond to live chat requests, let the visitors to your site know, using a callout.

Chatbot livechat callout

Ready to get started? How to add callouts to your chatbot

Chat to us to find out more about using the power of customised callouts to engage your customers and prospects.